Think Twice Before Dropping Your Full Coverage

19 November 2018
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Everyone is always looking for ways to slash their monthly expenses. Auto insurance with full coverage isn't inexpensive, but dropping your full coverage may not be the best way to save money. Here are the things you should consider before going unprotected. What Constitutes Full Coverage? Full coverage is sometimes referred to as liability plus comp and collision. The "comp" part stands for comprehensive. This part of your car insurance covers things that aren't the result of an automobile accident. Read More 

How Risk Plays A Huge Role In The Costs Of Auto Insurance

2 October 2018
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

One of the main things that insurance companies factor into quotes is a person's risk, and this is true for almost any type of insurance. With car insurance, a company will need to determine your risk level before offering you a quote. If you are wondering what this means and why it matters, read on to learn more about risk and its effects. What is risk? Risk in auto insurance is something that refers to a person's likelihood of getting into an accident and filing a claim. Read More 

Does Auto Insurance Pay for Pet Injuries in a Collision?

15 August 2018
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you had your dog in your car during a collision and the dog got injured, would your auto insurance coverage pay for the dog's medical bills? The answer depends on multiple factors such as the coverage you have, the cause of the accident, and the policy of your auto insurance company. If you have a pet, here are some things you should know about auto insurance pet coverage: Pets Are Treated as Properties Read More 

Questions To Help You Buy Startup Insurance

17 July 2018
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you are starting a business, you can't afford to expose it to different risks, which means you must buy commercial insurance coverage for it. At the same time, you don't have the same risks as established businesses so you may not need the same coverage. Here are some of the questions you should answer to help you buy the right coverage for your startup. Do You Have Significant Property? Read More 

3 Steps To Getting Property Insurance For Vacant Land

15 July 2018
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Ensuring valuables is often a simple process. Much of the time, you will have to go through an already scripted process of getting a quote and obtaining an insurance policy. The process is about the same for cars, valuable jewelry, and homes. One process that will be a little bit harder is gaining insurance on a property that has nothing on it. If you have obtained vacant land with the hope of building on the land someday, you will want to have insurance on your property in the event that something happens. Read More